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  • Writer's pictureERIN KELLY

4 Things that Freshman can do

Updated: Nov 26, 2019

"I'm a freshman, can I play video games?" The answer is a big nope because there's plenty for freshmen can do towards their college and career path.

#1 Learn what classes you need in order to graduate.

This takes an understanding of which graduation plan you're on. Visit your counselor if you're unsure of this. Most students are on a 26 credit plan called Distinguished.

#2 Get acquainted with the course catalog.

Print it out. For one week take it out for twenty minutes each day and use your favorite highlighter or pen circle interesting classes.

#3 Familiarize yourself activities and clubs offered through the school.

Whether it's a sport, UIL academics, or a club, you need to find an outlet for your passions. Colleges and employers want to see that you can be committed to something.

#4 Ask upperclassmen for advice.

Upperclassmen are terrifying, we know. Ask questions like, "What classes look good for colleges?" "Which class do you think you got the most out of?" "Do you recommend certain extracurriculars?"

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